NOT READY FOR PRIME TIME: Study: AI is unreliable in assessing heart risk in emergencies. Though after Helen’s heart attack, the ER EKG’s expert system flagged her as “likely recent MI” and the cardiologists looked at her, a fit, slender young woman, and said “naaah.” It was a couple of more months before she was diagnosed.

NO, SEVERE WEATHER IS NOT INCREASING: It’s not every day that a conservative think tank like Canada’s Fraser Institute and the National Geographic Society agree on a major issue in the climate change debate. Plus, have a look at my latest PJMedia column to learn more about what growing up in Tornado Alley in the 1950s and 1960s was like.


You can watch Anna’s viral video here.


But: “Columbia Law School told the Free Beacon it had no plans to cancel exams.”

Good for them if they stick to it.

WARNING: THE PUBLIC-HEALTH ESTABLISHMENT IS HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH: Medscape Gets Smoked. A once-reputable platform providing information to physicians caves to woke activists by censoring accurate information about nicotine vaping — the most promising tool yet developed for getting smokers to quit.

GOODER AND HARDER: ‘Disturbing news’: San Francisco restaurants dread new state law banning service fees.

George Chen, chef and owner of China Live, levied a 20% service fee on customers upon reopening in 2020 after a temporary pandemic closure to sustain livable wages for his staff amid widespread industry layoffs.

Chen said the extra money has helped maintain salaries across the board at the sprawling Chinatown restaurant, and he’s seen 95% retention among his staff since he instituted it.

But a new state law slated to go into effect on July 1 would effectively outlaw such surcharges, doing away with what has become an increasingly common method of boosting restaurant wages amid rising costs and creating pay equity among front- and back-of-house staffers.

“It’s disturbing news,” Chen said. “They’re trying to change something that’s actually working.”

That’s why they changed it.

CORRECTION: I completely misread the law which, as Eugene Volock was kind enough to point out, is more like a truth-in-advertising regulation and is not an outright ban.

I COULD CARVE A BETTER BACKBONE OUT OF A BANANA: Brown University caves to pro-Hamas mob, promises to consider cutting ties with Jewish State: Students who violated the school’s rules and regulations will ‘not be subject to suspension or expulsion, provided they abide by the terms of the agreement.’

Hey, they just disrupted campus and destroyed university property — it’s not like they were a fraternity that served a 20 year old a can of Keystone Light.

ARI ARMSTRONG: Colorado at the precipice.

To some degree, the sometime-libertarian Polis checks the hard-left contingency of his party. He uses threats of vetoes to does some arm-twisting upfront to limit the number of horrible bills begging for his signature. And once in a while he does veto an especially bad bill.

Here is the problem. Polis is term-limited out in two years. Republican leaders busy themselves, like vultures, with picking clean the bones of their party. The Democrats’ strongest candidate probably is Phil Weiser, the central-planner wannabe who proudly endorses Democratic Socialists and gleefully harasses Colorado businesses for not operating the way he thinks they should.

Do you think someone like Weiser is going to oppose or veto a single bill from the socialist wing of his party? Ha! He’s going to cheerlead such bills from the starting line.

Democratic Socialists and their fellow travelers never will say that producers are taxed and regulated enough. However many controls they impose, they will always want to impose more. Whatever problems they find or imagine in society, they will always find a way to blame owners of businesses and properties. However much harm government does through poorly conceived interventions, they will steadfastly imagine more power in the hands of politicians and bureaucrats as the solution to what troubles us.

But here’s the thing. There is no Berlin Wall keeping businesses and liberty lovers from fleeing the state. California has become a net out-migration state, and the socialistic Progressives seem determined to drive Colorado down the same path. Colorado’s geese who lay the golden eggs do not have to place their necks on the chopping block; they can fly to somewhere like Texas. Once Colorado starts to spiral downward, the trend may become irreversible.

Flashback to 2014: Magpul Moving Headquarters to Texas Over Colorado Gun Laws.

Magpul should have been the canary in the coal mine but all their departure did was make Democrats hungry for more.

KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEFING: Donald Trump Had a Better Week Than Joe Biden Did. “The plan, no doubt, was to have Joe Biden safely tucked away from the spotlight in a modified basement strategy, hiding behind the news of Trump being in court and finally having the walls close in on him. The lawfare abuse was intended to distract from the fact that Joe Biden is the worst president in United States history.”